Cotswolds AONB


Upper Clattsmore farm is surrounded by 60 acres of grassland with a couple of small wooded areas. The cottage is the perfect place to enjoy the peace of the countryside and watch the wildlife.

Our guests tell us that they see rabbits, brown hares - even an old fox has been spotted early in the morning or late at night. Bats often swoop around at dusk; and fallow deer come down from Bredon hill to graze our lush grass in the Springtime.

There are so many kinds of birds to be seen - tiny wrens sparrows, robins, blackbirds, finches, blue tits, redwings, peewits (lapwings) - and magnificent buzzards are often seen floating the thermals. A pair of Little Owls are resident and can be heard screeching in the late evening. A pair of Tawny Owls also have a nest close by. Canada Geese can be heard calling out as they fly past on their way to a nearby lake - and kingfishers feed from perches on the River Avon.

Whatever your wildlife interests, you will find them close by...

Wildlife Trusts
Worcestershire Wildlife Trust

The county's leading local charity working to conserve and restore wildlife and wild places.

Kemerton Conservation Trust
Kemerton Conservation Trust

A local, charitable Trust conserving wildlife and ancient landscape. Access to Kemerton Lake via footpaths...

RSPB, Worcester & Malvern

Website of the Worcester and Malvern local group of the RSPB.

Guest Quote...

"Thank you for another lovely holiday. We all love every moment of our stay. The memories we take away with us each time are priceless. We never want to leave and we will be looking forward to our next visit. P.S. Mia says she loves feeding the moo cows..."     M&Ms - Isle of Wight